Here is one of these tag games that I love. I hope you like it!
5 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
2. eat a lot of watermelon
3. afternoons at the beach
4. receiving my parents in love at my house
5. my daughters & husband birthdays

courtesy of Beary Sweet Beads
5 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Watched kids jumping on a Trampoline
2. Giannella's birthday party
3. Eat barbecue
4. Chit chat all afternoon with friends
5. eat mangoes & pineapple for breakfast

5 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Have somebody to clean my house at least 3 times a week
2. A vacation in a gorgeous beach
3. a weekend just for C & me
4. a visit to my family and friends in Argentina
5. to took dance lessons dairy

5 Shows I Watch:
1. So you think you can dance
2. Rachael Ray
3. Samantha who?
4. Grey's Anatomy
7. The amazing race

People I'm Tagging:
Anybody who wants to participate.
Enjoy! ;]
Ps, I promise I will be back soon with some new designs for my shop.
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