Saturday, March 28, 2009

"to do"

First of all, I am offering FREE SHIPPING in orders of 2 or more items. Fallow this link to Sassy Owl to see if you find something you like. You don't want to miss this opportunity!!!

This is my "to do" list from yesterday, some things were done and some don't ;.)
So here it is again my list of "to do" for today with some things from yesterday, ja!

1. Tidy up every room in my house
2. clean bathrooms (two)
3. Blog*
4. Laundry
5. Go to the post office
6. Prepare a custom order for my shop
7. prepare everything for the "Vote Earth" (what means and hour without lights and a family candle light family game night)
8. Prepare dinner
9. Watch some movie, here are the options: Australia or Challenging

At least I have just 10 today to check out.
See you later, Paola


Andrea said...

que ocupada!!! contame que tal Australia
hoy me llego el paquete, no lo abri por que no quiero que V lo vea, como es para pascua.