Monday, March 30, 2009

Photos from the weekend

Buenas! Buenas! Buenas!
Hello! Hello! Hello!
How was your weekend? Mine was fine but with snow, could you believe it? Well, if were are talking about weather, everything is possible in Chicago. But today it is a beautiful day and the snow has almost melted away. Great!

On Saturday we adhere to Vote for Earth Hour, and at 8:30 I lighted all my candles and we enjoy ourselves playing Uno attack. The hour went really, really fast and we even stay with the light off for a least 15' after 9:30
Here there are some pictures from that night:

If you want to see more pictures, you can find some great pics in Earth hour Flickr Group.

And something new for my shop:

This is a paper mache mini journal. I made the cover from a very soft wool blend felt. This cover is removable and can be used in other mini journal.

This journal will be in my shop today after 6pm (central time)
I hope to see you there!


Andrea said...

que lindo se ve que pasaron, yo no saque fotos, besos!!!!

. said...

I absolutely love your feltwork! This journal is absolutely darling! I may feature it on my blog sometime:

Kristin :)