How are you doing in this Halloween? I am so happy we have a really wonderful day here in Chicago. And Serena and Florencia could show their costumes as they are (usually you have to go trick or treating with a jacket on, so the costumer is not show :( but not today :)
My mom is visiting us form Argentina and she made the costumes. They are really beautiful and my mom has receive a lot of compliments. Serena is Red rinding hood and Florencia is Dorothy. Both of them look really adorable. I have lots of pictures but you'll have to wait a little bit to see them.
This year I almost forgot about carving pumpkins. The true is that we did not have money to go to a Pumpkin farm, so I explained it to my girls and we decide to go some of those city pumpkin patch. There we took some pictures and bring some pumpkins to carve.

I know, I forgot to dress them for the pictures. But who cares. I love how the pictures come out.

And here is the final result. Beeauuuuutifulllll!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
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